how much of a casino's revenues are from gambling and how much are from other sources? (partnerships, advertisement, brand deals, food and beverage, entertaining tickets)

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Good question! I think this varies depending on how much the company is a pure casino business vs also a hotel/resort business, but regardless the bulk is gambling.

Bally's 2023 annual earnings report[1] showed $1.992 billion in gaming revenue, which was around 81% of total revenue for the year. Similarly Penn Entertainment's 2023 annual[2] had around 77% of revenue ($4.9B of $6.36B) coming from gaming - either casino or online

For some higher end brands with more of a resort angle, hotel and other revenues seem to make up a bigger portion, so gambling is somewhat lower:

- Caesar's 2023 earnings[3] showed around 55% of total revenue (6.367 B / 11.528B) coming from the casino, with pretty sizable amounts of of both hotel and food/beverage revenues.

- Wynn Resorts[4] showed around 57% from casino revenue ($3.72B casino / $6.53B total)

- Las Vegas Sands had ~73% of revenue from casino gaming in their 2023 report[5], with the hotel and mall (shopping?) making up pretty good chunks too.

[1] https://s29.q4cdn.com/580102441/files/doc_downloads/2024/Q4-2023-Earnings-Release-Final.pdf

[2] https://investors.pennentertainment.com/news-releases/news-release-details/penn-entertainment-reports-fourth-quarter-results-0

[3] https://investor.caesars.com/news-releases/news-release-details/caesars-entertainment-inc-reports-fourth-quarter-and-full-year-1

[4] https://wynnresortslimited.gcs-web.com/news-releases/news-release-details/wynn-resorts-limited-reports-fourth-quarter-and-year-end-2023?field_nir_news_date_value[min]=

[5] https://investor.sands.com/news/news-details/2024/Las-Vegas-Sands-Reports-Fourth-Quarter-2023-Results/default.aspx

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